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The cost to charge an EV in the UK varies based on electricity rates and vehicle efficiency. On average, charging an EV is cheaper than refueling a conventional petrol or diesel car for the same number of miles.

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While not mandatory, it’s advisable for landlords to perform regular checks on the property’s structure, plumbing, heating, and pests. Regular maintenance can prevent larger issues and helps ensure tenant safety and satisfaction.

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In most cases, gas boilers can be repaired rather than replaced. However, if the damage is extensive, it may be more cost-effective to replace the boiler altogether. Getting a full assessment with CRS Matrix will give you peace of mind and a plan for future upgrades or replacements. But remember, we are here to provide you the most efficient and affordable course of action.

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Regular maintenance and servicing can help prevent the need for major repairs. It’s also important to have your boiler inspected annually by a professional to catch any potential issues before they become major problems.

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Regular use of rapid charging can accelerate battery wear over time. It’s recommended to use rapid charging when necessary and rely more on slower charging methods.

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The CP12, commonly known as the Gas Safety Certificate, is a report that a Gas Safe registered engineer must complete annually. This certificate verifies that all gas appliances, pipes, and flues in your property are safe and meet legal standards. It is mandatory for all rental properties with gas installations.

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A Gas Safety Certificate verifies that gas appliances, fittings, and flues in a property are safe to use, while a Gas Service involves checking the appliances for faults, cleaning, and ensuring they are working efficiently.

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A smart meter can help you monitor your energy usage and identify ways to save money on your energy bills. It can also help you to better understand how your energy usage impacts the environment.

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Yes, charging your EV during rainy conditions is perfectly safe as EV chargers are built to be waterproof and are thoroughly tested to meet strict UK safety regulations.

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No, you need to obtain a new Gas Safety Certificate for each new tenancy or every 12 months, whichever comes first.

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It is not necessary to turn off your boiler before a service, as the engineer can do this as part of the service process, however it’s recommended to turn your boiler off before the service. This will ensure that it has time to cool down, allowing the engineer to work on it safely and efficiently.

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A programmable thermostat allows you to set the temperature of your home according to your schedule, so you can reduce heating or cooling when you’re away or asleep. By using a programmable thermostat, you can save up to 10% on your annual energy bills and reduce your carbon footprint.

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It’s not recommended to attempt to fix your boiler yourself. Boilers are complex systems, and attempting to fix them without the proper training can be dangerous. Always call a qualified professional if you’re experiencing issues with your boiler.

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While there is no legal requirement to service the boiler annually, it is highly recommended. Regular servicing helps ensure the boiler operates safely and efficiently, and it can also prevent costly repairs in the future. Moreover, an annual boiler service is often required to maintain the warranty on the boiler.

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The Electrical Installation Condition Report (EICR) assesses all electrical installations in your property to ensure they are safe and up to standard. Landlords must have a valid EICR for their properties, which must be renewed every five years.

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Some signs that your boiler may need replacing include an increase in energy bills, a drop in boiler efficiency, strange noises coming from the boiler.

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Start by searching the MCS or RECC databases for certified installers in your area. Additionally, reading customer reviews and asking for recommendations from friends or family who have had solar panels installed can also help ensure you choose a reliable installer.

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Insulating your home helps keep it warm in the winter and cool in the summer, which can reduce your heating and cooling needs and save you money on your energy bills. Proper insulation can also reduce air leaks and improve indoor air quality.

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Yes, installing solar panels in the UK is subject to building regulations, primarily concerning structural integrity and electrical safety. Your installer should handle all necessary permissions and ensure the installation complies with local building codes.

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